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Find Your Community

Learn how you can get involved in the life of the Horizon Worship Center community.

Build community by joining a small group

Small groups encourage members to explore the Bible and their faith together, build strong relationships with one another and offer each other support and encouragement on their faith journey. Starting Point is a member orientation for new members and curious visitors looking to become new members. Those interested in membership are able to come and get an overview of the church. They will learn about the church leadership, history and general beliefs. We introduce our new members at our leadership gathering monthly.

Bring the whole family

This consists of all ministries that impact the family such as children, men and women. The purpose is to provide the care and attention that is needed for our members and visitors to be the family God has designed for them. We seek to encourage and support the entire family. Our children’s ministry is called “Kingdom Kids.” Our children ministry is designed to support parents. We strive to present Christ in a way that leads them to want to one day follow Christ. We want them to discover what it means to be in the kingdom of God is and how to live on earth as citizens who are apart of that kingdom.

Free to worship

The ministry seeks to provide an environment for our visitors and members that makes them feel welcome, wanted and worthy. We want everyone who attends our service to sense the presence of God and fellowship among the saints. We aim to lift up Christ in song and proclaim the gospel in such a way that all can be drawn to Christ. We sing, clap, kneel and actively praise and worship our God. Our purpose is to create an environment where you are free to worship Christ.